The Western Kingdom
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The Western Kingdom, when united, stood for loyalty, family, and nobility. Entirely controlled, until recently, by the Old King Lozendar, the Western Kingdom has since split into six parts. Under his command, the various cities were united and order was maintained across the kingdoms. Lozendar managed this monumental achievement, in his youth, having enlisted the help of the heads of the noble houses of Stormhold, Swiftgale, and Waterkeep. The cities of Dawnbrook, Northfall, and Southcliff fell to Lozendar’s control, peacefully, shortly after. For them, it was a hard choice between accepting Lozendar as their leader or dying for their pride. Fortunately, they chose the former.
Before he passed, the Old King had a wise daughter and three foolish sons. To the sons, he gifted the three cities of Northfall, Dawnbrook, and Southcliff. To his daughter, he left the crown jewel of the Kingdom, the city of Wisteria itself. Unfortunately, the widow Queen wouldn’t uphold Lozendar’s wish and took control of Wisteria herself, aided by her allies in Stormhold. Jealousy soon enveloped the brothers as they could hardly stand their sister having been given the honor of leading the next generation of the Western Kingdom, and so they were delighted when that power was seized from her. In the fragmented kingdom, Northfall controls the prestigious Royal Vineyard, Southcliff claims dominance of the sea, and poor Dawnbrook has naught but its barely-fertile fields. Indeed, the Western Kingdoms have seen more than their fair share of bloodshed in The Great Pond’s history, but the current peace of the kingdoms is in a remarkably delicate state. A kingdom that once thrived on unity now lies on the brink of complete separation.
The Sunshade Mountains remain one of The Great Pond's most beautiful mountain chains. The Mountains can be seen hugging the horizon from every corner of Wisteria and provide an enchanting vision, once a year, when the sunset lines up perfectly between two of the highest mountains, prolonging nightfall for thirty minutes and causing cascading rays of light to scatter across the mountain peaks. This spectacle is best viewed from The Royal Vineyards, and there’s always many whiskers who travel from far and wide to watch the setting sun from the fields.
The Sunshade Mountains are also home to the floating mountains, Terra Divum. Most academics claim they don’t exist and have attributed it to an atmospheric phenomena known as a fata morgana but whiskers local to the northern area of the Sunshade Mountains claim it's a real body of land. It’s just…in the sky. No whisker has ever truly been to the floating mountains of Terra Divum, but the locals assume it's home to various species of dragons and other creatures that rule the sky.
Cradling the Sunshade Mountains lies a fertile, forested woodland filled with countless species of plant and animal life. It is the source of the vast majority of the meat that Wisteria produces and consumes. Whiskers who enjoy hunting can get their fill of challenges in these woods. Teeming with life at the feet of the Sunshade mountain range, the woods lie in stark contrast to the nearby Barren Hills of Wisteria, bereft of life.
While at first glance the climate and soil seem to be in excellent condition, no crops, trees, or plant life survive long in this forsaken area. Many believe the Abyssal Witch had cursed these fields long ago before leaving the Western Kingdom, but there’s no concrete evidence supporting this.
Once ruled by the great Lozendar, and intended to be left to his daughter, the Kingdom of Wisteria is now in the hands of Queen Moonfabias who immediately usurped her daughter and forced her into exile. Queen Moonfabias is a stubborn, bitter widow who doesn't take "no" for an answer. She’s been raising an army since Lozendar’s passing, anticipating a fight for the throne from her estranged sons and daughter. The residents of Wisteria are loyal to the Queen, but she rules with fear. Many young whiskers are sent to Stormhold and forced to enlist in her army. If a child's parents were lucky enough, the child was instead sent to the Academy at Windrose. Education was once a priority in the kingdom, but now everything is done in preparation for war.
Under direct control of Wisteria, Stormhold has served as the largest armory and training area in the Western Kingdom for years. Many young whiskers taken from their families and forced to join the Queen’s army call Stormhold home. The Commander at Stormhold is Bendictine, a bastard child of the late King. Some think he was sent to Stormhold so the Queen wouldn’t have to look at him; fortunately for him, he paved his own way and made a home in Stormhold through his skills in the art of war.
Nicknamed the “Ocean’s Desert,” Maka Fina is a mountainous, rocky, and barren landscape that snakes its way across the western coast. This mountain range has a particularly harsh climate, with the dry heat here reaching near boiling point on occasion. Some prisoners, and even forcefully enlisted whiskers, attempt to flee Stormhold by traveling south across Maka Fina. Unfortunately, the “Ocean’s Desert” is littered with the bones of would-be deserters – a reminder in the west that you cannot escape the coming war.
Barley Lake, a comfortable fishing retreat, resides north of Swiftgate and Dawnbrook. Known as one of the oldest bodies of water in the land, the lake has become a living piece of history. Many wealthier whiskers from the Western Kingdom and Windrose City travel to Barley Lake with their families to unwind. Currently, it’s under the control of Queen Moonfabias of Wisteria.
Owned and operated by Northfall, the Royal Vineyard serves as the most significant export operation in all of The Great Pond. Not only does the Royal Vineyard produce wine, but also the finest cooking oil on the continent, unquestionably. Northfall has been quickly expanding its reach since its separation from Wisteria and many think it’s the only real threat to Wisteria’s dominance of the west.
The second largest empire in the newly fragmented Western Kingdoms, Northfall has been expanding its reach swiftly because of its excellent wine export and complete monopoly of the cooking oil industry. Northfall is a heavily armored city, with deep pockets and many well trained soldiers. The fertile soils and the castle’s protection makes for an unyielding kingdom in the name of Baron Melkezadek. Melkezadek is the first son of the late King of Wisteria, Lozendar, and is perhaps the most cunning and intelligent of his family. He hopes to one day acquire the crown, which he believes to be hisnhil birthright, and reunite the west under his flag like his father did before him.
Home to the Warrior Sisters, Baronesses Amelia and Alunas Stoneheart rule this kingdom side by side. Competent enough that either could reign individually, Swiftgate has proven their tenacity by relentlessly repelling the Wisterian armies whenever Queen Moonfabias ordered them too close to Swiftgate’s borders. There has so far been relatively little bloodshed, likely due to Amelia herself leading the regiment meant to protect Swiftgate’s border and using every opportunity possible to crush the Wisterian’s morale by showing off her formidable lightning magic.
Melandar, second son of Lozendar, rules the kingdom of Dawnbrook. He rules his kingdom peacefully on the surface, but secretly wishes to claim the throne for himself and is willing to pay any cost to see his ambition fulfilled. Currently allied with the Warrior Sisters of the neighboring city of Swiftgate, Melandar handles the southern border and they protect the north. The residents of both kingdoms maintain a pleasant, thriving relationship and trade between them is prosperous. This mutually beneficial relationship has made the allied cities a force to be reckoned with.
Built at the southern base of the Maka Fina mountain range, Waterkeep depends on its naturally fortified location to keep to itself. The young Baron Dorian now rules over the kingdom of Waterkeep and, because he is considered too young to make educated decisions, a council has been formed to help keep the kingdom from falling apart. Without the worry of invasion from the south, Waterkeep remains a solitary kingdom with all of its focus on its internal affairs.
Gifted initially to Rhubarb the Kind, youngest son of Lozendar, Southcliff used its location as the central hub of trade between the Western Kingdoms and Amalhasu to amass wealth and reputation. Noticing an ever-growing need for ship repairs, Rhubarb built The Forge off the coast to further his empire. Once the war for the throne seemed inevitable, he quickly repurposed The Forge to create weapons of war for protecting then nation. Rhubarb has relocated to The Forge where he’s been building a threatening navy and left control of Southcliff to his childhood friend Count Veilao. While Veilao and Rhubarb would prefer remaining neutral, they’ve been preparing for the day when they’ll be forced into picking a side. Generally the farthest kingdom from trouble, both Rhubarb and the Count have been called spineless and weak for not interfering with the recent struggles and infighting within the kingdom.
Originally created for ship repairs, The Forge has since been repurposed as an armory for Southcliff and serves as the home of Rhubarb, third son of Lozendar, as well as an escape from Southcliff should the city’s de facto leader Count Veilao ever need it.